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Tag: wisdom

Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet still become something beautiful. - Beau Taplin
Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life happy in so many ways. Sometimes, I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. So thank...
It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only...
Don't look for big things, just do small things with great love. - Mother Teresa
Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence. Life goes on...
Don't give up because of one bad chapter in your life. Keep going. Your story doesn't end here.
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude. - Amy Tan
Before you commit to loving someone, make effort to understand their heart, make effort to understand their soul, be open to seeing even their darkest corners, without prejudice. If you have understood, accepted and loved their heart and soul,...
When someone is nasty or treats you poorly, don't take it personally. It says nothing about you, but a lot about them. - Michael Josephson