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Tag: Positive Quotes

A happy heart is a good medicine and a positive mind works healing in your busy day. Don't forget to smile and have a good laugh because it adds color to your life. ~ Anonymous
Focus on good thoughts and good things will happen. stay positive. think positive. do positive. ~ Anonymous
Just because someone doesn't believe in you, doesn't mean you stop believing in yourself. ~ Anonymous
If you focus on all that is awful, you will miss all that is wonderful. ~ Doe Zantamata
Do not get upset with people or situations. both are powerless without your reaction. ~ Anonymous
Let's learn to put the past behind us. ~ Anonymous
Dear God, i know i am not perfect. but i want to thank you for loving me anyway. ~ Anonymous
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. ~ Albert Einstein
True happiness isn't about the things you have. it's about the thoughts you have. it's call positive thinking not positive thing-ing. ~ Anonymous