Your greatest test is when you are able to bless someone else while you are going through your own storm.
Don't be impressed by: money, followers, degrees and titles. Be impressed by: kindness, integrity, humility and generosity.
If you keep ignoring someone who truly loves you, sooner or later they will move on and you'll have no…
Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come. - Mandy Hale
You will never be good enough for everybody, but you will always be the best for someone who really appreciates…
Be thankful for the difficult people in your life, for they have shown you exactly who you do not want…
In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you. Some will use…
Successful people always have two things on their lips. l.Silence. & 2. Smile.
As long as I do no harm to others, I really don't care if someone doesn't like me. I wasn't…