A real man never stops trying to show a woman how much she means to him, even after he's got her. ~ Anonymous
Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport. ~ Anonymous
No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. ~ Buddha
Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. ~ Mark Twain
Being in a relationship isn't about the kissing, the dates or the showing off. it's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can. ~ Anonymous
A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation, doesn't always need togetherness. as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true freinds will never part. ~ Anonymous
Don't allow your attitude to stand between your happiness and you. ~ Anonymous
I know i'm not perfect and i don't claim to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean. ~ Bob Marley
Everybody has their own struggle. so be kind. ~ Anonymous