There's a time and place for everything. there's no need to rush or force things, when what's meant to be will always be.
Sometimes you have to give up certain people, not because you don't care, but because they don't.
Forgiveness is the best form of LOVE. It takes a STRONG person to say they're SORRY and an even stronger person to FORGIVE.
There will always be people who treat you wrong. Be sure you thank them for making you strong.
Don't worry about the people who hurt or hate you, worry about the people who love you, because that's where your happiness is.
It's okay to be angry. It's never okay to be cruel.
Be happy with the little that you have. There are people with nothing that still manage to smile.
People who believe they'll be happy if they go and live somewhere else, learn it doesn't work that way. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people, and happy moments.