Sometimes you have to realise that it is not your day, it is better to withdraw yourself, so that you can love another day. ~ Anonymous
Don't rely on your mind for liberation. It is the mind that brought you into bondage. Go beyond it altogether. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. ~ Elbert Hubbard
Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. ~ Lauren Bacall
I'm old school. I believe in having good manners, respecting my elders and helping others when I can. ~ Anonymous
It's not good enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. ~ Winston Churchill
When we are truly confident and secure, the opinions of others cannot control us. ~ Anonymous
The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people, the more peaceful your life will become. ~ Mandy Hale
Life is so much better when you stop caring about what everyone thinks, and start to actually live for yourself. ~ Anonymous