The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles. ~ William Penn
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones…
We write our own destiny; we become what we do. ~ Madame Chiang Kai Shek
Enthusiasm is the match that lights the candle of achievement. ~ William Arthur Ward
Be willing to listen to others and be teachable. You're not right about everything... nobody is. ~ Anonymous
Discipline is the fuel of achievement. ~ Anonymous
Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going. ~ Jillian Michaels
Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry. And don't decide when you're sad. ~ Anonymous
The heart & mind must work together, or you will not find harmony in life, for without balance, you will…
You'll never accomplish anything if you don't believe that you can do it. ~ Anonymous