1. Doubting yourself. 2. Negative Thinking. 3. Fear of Failure. 4. Destructive Relationships. 5. Gossiping. 6. Criticising yourself and others. 7. Anger. 8. Comfort eating. 9. Laziness. 10. Negative self talk. 11. Procrastination. 12. Fear of success. 13. Anything excessive. 14. People Pleasing. 15. putting others needs before your own.
1. Read a book every day. 2. Learn a new language. 3. Have a weekly exercise routine. 4. Set a 5-year goal and list the steps to achieve it. 5. Quit a bad habit each week. 6. Avoid negative people. 7. Stop watching TV. 8. Let...
1. Spend more time with interesting people. 2. Do whatever you are passionate about. 3. Get rid of the things you don't like. 4. Do something new you'd never dream of doing. 5. Share your secret stories to your friends. 6. Say "yes" to...
Being strong doesn't mean you have to stay and fight all the battles and petty arguments that come your way. Being strong means you don't have to stay and respond to rude remarks. Don't retort by throwing insults back...
1. Write down everything that's weighting you down mentally and then burn it as a form of letting go.2. Create a peace collage including images that make you feel relaxed and at ease.3. Declutter your home to create a...
Have the maturity to know sometimes silence is more powerful than having the last word. - Thema Davis
1. Stop worrying, if it's supposed to happen it will 2. Allow yourself to be a beginner 3. Don't let your happiness depend on anything outside yourself 4. Stay close to everything that makes you feel alive 5. Listen to your body, it...
Try not to take things other people say about you too personally. What they think and say is a reflection of them, not you.
1. Nobody has the answers.2. Authority is arbitrary.3. You will never "find" time. You have to make it.4. Nobody is thinking about you. People are thinking of themselves.5. It's harder to be kind than clever.6. Everybody hurts.7. Life is...