Courage is knowing what not to fear. ~ Plato
To everyone going through anything struggle or pain right now, keep your head up, and keep smiling. God heals all. ~ Anonymous
Beliefs don’t make you a better person. Behavior does. ~ Anonymous
There's no fear in love. Instead complete love drives out fear. ~ 1 John 4:18
Stop waiting for things to happen. Go out and make them happen. ~ Anonymous
Keep your head up; you are so much better than you believe. ~ Anonymous
Sometimes you may feel God is hard on you & doesn't love you... Truth is He Loves you to much to leave you the way you are. ~ Anonymous
It is such comfort to drop the trials of life into God's hands and know he is going to take care of them. ~ Anonymous
Somewhere out there someone is facing a harder battle than you are. Be thankful for your life and your blessings. ~ Anonymous