Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.
Life comes at us in waves. We can't predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf. - Dan Millman
Always think positive, Expect less, Be happy, Never stop until goal is achieved. Definitely all the years ahead you will spend happily.
It's really nice to wake up in the morning realizing that God has given you another day to live.
Things always get uncomfortable when its time for change. That is part of the growth process. The process is worth it because things do get better.
I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things. - Mother Teresa
We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It is up to us to make it good or bad. - Ward Foley
It all begins with you. If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be strong enough to take care of anything in life. - Leon Brown
Every time you think a negative thought, remember this! Negative thoughts will hold you back weigh you down and drain your energy. Positive thoughts will give you energy lift you up and set you free. Choose wisely! - Melanie...