A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. ~ David Brinkley
Change is a part of life. Be open to change, because that's God opening the door to growth in your life. ~ Anonymous
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. ~ Frank L. Gaines
Those who understand life, understand that they must keep their thoughts, words & actions as one, to create harmony within. ~ Anonymous
Every day holds the possibility of a miracle. ~ Elizabeth David
Smile, things are working out. You may not see it now, but just know God is directing you to a much greater happiness. ~ Anonymous
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. ~ Sun Tzu
Each and every one of us holds the amazing power to modify our life at any time we decide to do so. ~ Michael Bailey
View life as a continuous learning experience. ~ Denis Waitley