Don't be bothered about the problems. Most problems are often coming from worrying about the future or the past. Stop. Live in Now. ~ Anonymous
We shouldn't focus on the doors that God closes. Change doesn't have to be a bad thing. Change means growth! ~ Anonymous
Listening to others viewpoints may reveal the one thing needed to complete your goals. ~ D. Ridgley
You don't need to think. You don't need to rehearse. All you need to do is be yourself. ~ Anonymous
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas A. Edison
Worrying is wasting energy on the things you can't control. Leave everything in God's hand. Think less, pray more. ~ Anonymous
Take control of your emotions before emotions take control of you. ~ Anonymous
Having an open door in front of you means having an opportunity before you. ~ Revelation 3:8
Courage is knowing what not to fear. ~ Plato