Happiness is not based on your circumstances, but on a decision you make. ~ Anonymous
Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do. ~ Henry Ford
If you are afraid of failure you don't deserve to be successful. ~ Charles Barkley
I will never doubt that God has gotten me though every hard moment in my life. ~ Anonymous
Don't let negative pictures play on the movie screen of your mind. You own the remote control. All you have to do is change the channel. ~ Anonymous
God has a blessing with your name on it. ~ Anonymous
If we make a steady effort, I think we can overcome any form of negative conditioning and make positive changes in our lives. ~ Dalai Lama
You're not a failure until you stop trying. If you have no other testimony you have this one, I'm still here. ~ Anonymous
Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. ~ Helen Keller