Keep going, and don't worry about your speed. You're making progress, even if it doesn't seem like it. Forward is forward, no matter how slow. - Lori Deschene
Good things come to those Who BELIEVE. Better things come to those who are PATIENT, and the BEST things come to those who DON'T GIVE UP.
I no longer look for the good in people, I search for the real... because while good is often dressed in fake clothing, real is naked and proud no matter the scars. - Chishala Lishomwa
The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.
You never know what someone is going through. BE KIND. ALWAYS.
People with good intentions make promises, but people with good character keep them.
Sometimes life's hardest struggles end up being blessings in disguise.
The biggest lesson I've learned is: IT'S OKAY. It's okay for me to be kind to myself. It's okay to be wrong. It's okay to get mad. It's okay to be flawed. It's okay to be happy. It's okay...
People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken. - Steven Aitchison