No one makes a lock without a key. That's why God won't give you problems without solutions.
 What’s done is done and what’s gone is gone. One of the life’s most valuable lessons is learning how to let go and move on. Looking back at your good memories is fine but never let the past stop...
Thanks to the people that walked into my life and made it better. And thanks to the ones who walked out and made it amazing.
I am not beautiful like you, I am beautiful like me.
This year has almost gone. Not all our friends and family made it. Never take for granted the people you love. Be thankful for today, because in one moment, your entire life could change.
Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren’t your problems. You stay kind, committed to love & free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say, don’t you doubt...
You may be sad, disappointed, or heartbroken, but wake each day with a new sense of hope, a will to fight on.
People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but their actions will speak for themselves. Pay attention.
The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more...