Open your book of life only to few people. Because in this world very few care to understand the chapters,others…
Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. ~ Joel Osteen
Forgiving your enemies doesn't help them; it helps you. ~ Anonymous
Don't expect too much from people, the less you expect, the less disappointed you will be when they let you…
It's not the mistake that matters; it's how you deal with it, what you learn from it, and how you…
I'm not heartless, I've just learned how to use my heart less... ~ Anonymous
When you fully trust someone without any doubt, you finally get one of two results: A person for life or…
Life is like a mirror, We get the best results when we smile at it. ~ Anonymous
Never let your past experiences harm your future. Your past can't be altered and your future doesn't deserve the punishment.…
One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder. ~…