God never leads us where He cannot keep us. His grace is always sufficient for us in any and every circumstance of life. ~ Anonymous
The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare. ~ Bobby Knight
Hate is not the first enemy of love. Fear is. It destroys your ability to trust. ~ Anonymous
When you win, say nothing, when you lose, say less. ~ Paul Brown
What you see in this world is a mirror reflection of your own thoughts, if you have ugly thoughts, the world becomes ugly. ~ Anonymous
Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma. I believe everything happens for a reason. ~ Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters
Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. ~ Joel Osteen
Success is not permanent & failure is not fatal. ~ Mike Ditka
It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. ~ Babe Ruth