Time is the coin of our live. We must take care how we spend it. ~ Carl Sandburg
No matter where we are in life, God has more in store. He never wants us to quit growing. ~…
A sense of humor makes a MAN handsome. ~ Anonymous
Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life. ~ Joyce Meyer
All Relationships Have One Law: Never Make The One You Love Feel Alone, Especially When You're There. ~ Anonymous
When all seems lost, and there is no hope left, remember that this time will pass, and you will look…
Find arms that will hold you at your weakest times, eyes that will see your beauty at your ugliest times,…
Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears. ~…
Open your book of life only to few people. Because in this world very few care to understand the chapters,others…
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication,…