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Inspiring Quotes
It’s better to be slapped by the truth than kissed with a lie. ~ Anonymous
It's better to be slapped by the truth than kissed with a lie. ~ Anonymous
9 years ago
If you are helping someone and expecting something in return, you are doing business not kindness.
9 years ago
Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don’t help you. Think positive
9 years ago
Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
9 years ago
Today I will do my best. If I have a good day, I will be proud of myself. If I have a bad day, I will not dwell on it. I will forgive myself, I will put it behind me and I will continue to move forward.
9 years ago
One smile, can start a friendship. One word, can end a fight. One look, can save a relationship. One person, can change your life.
9 years ago
Stay positive, even when it feels like your life is falling apart.
9 years ago
Don’t pray for life to be easy, but pray for yourself to be strong.
9 years ago
Worrying = waste of time. Good and bad things will happen in life. You just have to keep living and not stress over what you can’t control.
9 years ago
Sometime you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it’s meant to be.
9 years ago
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