
I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.

I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.

7 years ago

10 Things You Should Stop Expecting From Others.

1. Stop expecting them to live based on “Your Standards”. 2. Stop expecting them to agree on everything you said.…

7 years ago

No matter how many mean people I meet in my life, I will always have a good heart. Nobody will ever change that.

No matter how many mean people I meet in my life, I will always have a good heart. Nobody will…

7 years ago

Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one-sided expectations can mentally destroy you.

Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one-sided expectations can mentally destroy…

7 years ago

17 Life Lessons People Wish They Learned Earlier

01. Love and accept yourself fully 02. Feed your soul 03. Find a strong support network 04. Be authentic 05.…

7 years ago

Two things you will never have to chase; True Friends and True Love.

Two things you will never have to chase; True Friends and True Love.

7 years ago

Waking up to see another day is a blessing. Don’t take it for granted. Make it count and be happy that you are alive.

Waking up to see another day is a blessing. Don't take it for granted. Make it count and be happy…

7 years ago