
Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you lived through it. Honor your path. Trust your journey. Learn, grow, evolve, become. – Creig Crippen

Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know before you lived through it. Honor your path. Trust your journey.…

7 years ago

Not everyone is meant to be in your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.

Not everyone is meant to be in your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in…

7 years ago

The great thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into the future.

The great thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into the future.

7 years ago

We must hurt in order to grow, fail in order to know, and lose in order to gain. Because some lessons in life, are best learned through pain.

We must hurt in order to grow, fail in order to know, and lose in order to gain. Because some…

7 years ago

If someone really wants to be a part of your life they will seriously make an effort to be in it. No reasons, no excuses.

If someone really wants to be a part of your life they will seriously make an effort to be in…

7 years ago

Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your kindness and who’s just taking advantage of you.

Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who's worth your kindness and who's…

7 years ago

4 things you can’t get back 1. The stone after it’s thrown. 2. The word after it’s said. 3. The occasion after it’s missed. 4. The time after it’s gone.

4 things you can't get back 1. The stone after it’s thrown. 2. The word after it’s said. 3. The…

7 years ago

Sometimes the love of your life comes after the mistake of your life.

Sometimes the love of your life comes after the mistake of your life.

7 years ago

If you love someone tell them because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

If you love someone tell them because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

7 years ago

The Best 7 Doctors: 1. Sunshine 2. Air 3. Exercise 4. Water 5. Diet 6. Rest 7. Laughter

The Best 7 Doctors: 1. Sunshine 2. Air 3. Exercise 4. Water 5. Diet 6. Rest 7. Laughter

7 years ago