
A perfect relationship isn’t actually perfect at all, it consists of two people who NEVER give up on each other despite any hurt or pain. ~ Anonymous

A perfect relationship isn't actually perfect at all, it consists of two people who NEVER give up on each other…

10 years ago

If you are afraid of failure you don’t deserve to be successful. ~ Charles Barkley

If you are afraid of failure you don't deserve to be successful. ~ Charles Barkley

10 years ago

I will never doubt that God has gotten me though every hard moment in my life. ~ Anonymous

I will never doubt that God has gotten me though every hard moment in my life. ~ Anonymous

10 years ago

Be smart enough to hold on, be brave enough to let go. ~ Anonymous

Be smart enough to hold on, be brave enough to let go. ~ Anonymous

10 years ago

Don’t let negative pictures play on the movie screen of your mind. You own the remote control. All you have to do is change the channel. ~ Anonymous

Don't let negative pictures play on the movie screen of your mind. You own the remote control. All you have…

10 years ago

God has a blessing with your name on it. ~ Anonymous

God has a blessing with your name on it. ~ Anonymous

10 years ago

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones. ~ Anonymous

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones. ~ Anonymous

10 years ago

If we make a steady effort, I think we can overcome any form of negative conditioning and make positive changes in our lives. ~ Dalai Lama

If we make a steady effort, I think we can overcome any form of negative conditioning and make positive changes…

10 years ago

You’re not a failure until you stop trying. If you have no other testimony you have this one, I’m still here. ~ Anonymous

You're not a failure until you stop trying. If you have no other testimony you have this one, I'm still…

10 years ago

Worry increases pressure, prayer releases peace. ~ Anonymous

Worry increases pressure, prayer releases peace. ~ Anonymous

10 years ago