Home Quotes Happiness QuotesHappiness QuotesInspiring QuotesLife QuotesMotivational QuotesPositive QuotesQuotesSelf Improvement QuotesWisdom QuotesDon’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life.2652 AdvertisementDon’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life. AdvertisementRELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORIf you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. – UnknownOverthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. – UnknownOver 90% of what we worry about never happens. – UnknownMake the rest of your life the best of your life. – UnknownIf you do not try, your chance of success drops to 0.0% – UnknownIf you can control your mind you can control your life. – Unknown ADVERTISEMENTRANDOM QUOTESNo one has the right to judge you, because no one... June 19, 2017No matter how badly someone treats you, never drop down to... March 19, 2016Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of... August 9, 2016Those who make the worst use of their time most complain... May 5, 2014To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without... February 9, 2016Love is like a rose in winter.. ( Love Quotes ) June 12, 2012Sometimes in life we just need a hug… no words, no... August 14, 2018It’s ok to cry if you’re in pain. Remember, tears are... February 11, 2018Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It simply means that… ( Success Quotes... October 11, 2012Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we... June 25, 2019