Home Quotes Happiness QuotesHappiness QuotesInspiring QuotesLife LessonsLife QuotesMotivational QuotesPositive QuotesQuotesSelf Improvement QuotesWisdom QuotesNever regret anything, there’s always a reason things happen.2147 AdvertisementNever regret anything, there’s always a reason things happen. AdvertisementRELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORIf you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. – UnknownOverthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. – UnknownOver 90% of what we worry about never happens. – UnknownMake the rest of your life the best of your life. – UnknownIf you do not try, your chance of success drops to 0.0% – UnknownIf you can control your mind you can control your life. – Unknown ADVERTISEMENTRANDOM QUOTESWhat is the difference between “I like you” and “I love... March 7, 2016RULE OF A RELATIONSHIP, You deserve someone who goes out of... March 26, 2016Never underestimate a woman. a loud voice of… ( Wisdom Quotes... September 1, 2012Eventually people will realize that mistakes are… ( Self Improvement Quotes... March 22, 2013Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about... September 20, 2019Sometimes, no matter how nice you are, how kind you are,... November 9, 2018Not all storms come to disrupt your life; some come to... April 18, 2019I smile because I have survived everything the world has thrown... February 16, 2017If a man expects his Woman to.. ( Relationship Quotes ) June 18, 2012I no longer look for the good in people, I search... September 8, 2018