Home Quotes Inspiring QuotesInspiring QuotesPositive QuotesQuotesWisdom QuotesRespect is earned, Honesty is appreciated, Love is gained and Loyalty is returned. ~ Anonymous ( Inspiring Quotes )1838 Advertisement Respect is earned, Honesty is appreciated, Love is gained and Loyalty is returned. ~ Anonymous AdvertisementRELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORIf you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. – UnknownOverthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. – UnknownOver 90% of what we worry about never happens. – UnknownMake the rest of your life the best of your life. – UnknownIf you do not try, your chance of success drops to 0.0% – UnknownIf you can control your mind you can control your life. – Unknown ADVERTISEMENTRANDOM QUOTESHappy people are: 1 early risers 2 healthy eaters 3 optimistic... December 18, 2016The one who is meant for you encourages you to be... January 21, 2021Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear... June 3, 2014Promise, is a big word ( Relationship Quote ) May 28, 2012If love is your goal, learn to love yourself first. Understand... April 17, 2017If you are trapped between your feelings and what… ( Happiness... September 11, 2012If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage... August 8, 2016REMINDER: It only takes one person to make you happy and... March 21, 2017Sometimes it is better to be alone because it gives you... May 22, 2013What you do not want done to yourself, do not do... February 7, 2021